Thursday, October 23, 2008

kitchen curtains

A few years ago, I bought up a few cheap (and I mean CHEAP) kitchen curtain sets at Building 19, which is a major "bargain barn" type place here in the northeast. They aren't even my style, but they did the trick for a few years and made things presentable.

Earlier today I knocked the curtain over the sink off it's holder in my gloriously gracefull attempt (successfull attempt) to climb in the window. Yeah. I locked myself out. Instead of rehanging the curtain, I decided not to bother and to try my hand at making my own curtains from some stash.

Since I was forced to suffer the humiliation of breaking into my own house, and having it take about an hour and a half, (thankfully yesterday's rain has changed to bright, if cold, skies) I decided to treat myself to some blog surfing time. I haven't done this in what seems like ages! So what do you know...I ran accross Thimbly Things' Kitchen week! So cool, I love her style and thought process!